Justia South Dakota Supreme Court Opinion Summaries

In 1999, Marcus and Eunice Hollow Horn purchased a mobile home on a lot in Eagle Butte, South Dakota, and began paying rent to Oliver Leblanc, who claimed ownership. Later, Phyllis Miller claimed ownership and sold the lot to Eunice, providing a quit claim deed. Years later, Edward Hoffman, representing his deceased mother Theresa Hoffman's estate, claimed Theresa owned the lot and filed a quiet title action against the Hollow Horns. The Hollow Horns counterclaimed, asserting ownership by adverse possession.The Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in Dewey County, South Dakota, denied Edward's claims and quieted title in favor of the Hollow Horns based on adverse possession under SDCL 15-3-15 and SDCL 15-3-1. Edward appealed, challenging the court's findings on good faith and the admission of certain out-of-court statements.The Supreme Court of South Dakota reviewed the case and affirmed the circuit court's decision in part. The court held that Eunice had satisfied the elements of adverse possession under SDCL 15-3-15, including good faith possession and payment of taxes for ten years. The court found no clear error in the circuit court's findings and concluded that Edward failed to rebut the presumption of Eunice's good faith. The court also determined that any error in admitting out-of-court statements was harmless and did not affect the outcome.However, the Supreme Court vacated the circuit court's judgment on the alternative claim for adverse possession under SDCL 15-3-1, as it was rendered moot by the ruling on SDCL 15-3-15. The case was remanded for the circuit court to dismiss the alternative claim. View "Hoffman V. Hollow Horn" on Justia Law

Joshua Jay Rose was charged with simple assault of his son, C.R., and faced trial in magistrate court. The first jury trial ended in a mistrial after the jury was deadlocked. During the second trial, the State moved for a mistrial due to defense counsel's references to the previous trial, mention of a no-contact order, and questions about how the trial's outcome could affect where C.R. lived. The magistrate court granted the mistrial, citing the cumulative effect of these issues. Rose's motion to dismiss the charges based on double jeopardy was denied, and he was convicted in a third trial.Rose appealed to the circuit court, arguing that the magistrate court abused its discretion by granting the second mistrial and that double jeopardy should have precluded his retrial. The circuit court affirmed the magistrate court's decision, finding no abuse of discretion.The Supreme Court of South Dakota reviewed the case and affirmed the lower courts' decisions. The court held that the magistrate court did not abuse its discretion in granting the mistrial, considering the cumulative effect of the references to the previous trial, the no-contact order, and the questions about the trial's impact on C.R.'s living situation. The court found that these issues could have affected the jury's impartiality, justifying the mistrial and subsequent retrial. View "State v. Rose" on Justia Law

Posted in: Criminal Law
Fawna and Terry Goff were married in 2015 and had one child, M.G. In late 2021, Terry left for work in Texas and did not return, pursuing a new relationship. Fawna allowed M.G. to visit Terry in Texas, but he refused to return the child. Fawna filed for divorce, and the circuit court granted her a divorce on grounds of adultery, awarded her primary custody of M.G., set child support, divided property, and awarded partial attorney fees to Fawna. Terry appealed.The Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, Meade County, South Dakota, initially handled the case. Terry did not respond to the divorce complaint in time, leading Fawna to seek a default judgment. At the hearing, Terry requested to proceed with the divorce trial, which the court allowed. The court granted Fawna a divorce, primary custody of M.G., and ordered Terry to pay child support and arrearages. Terry was also ordered to pay half the mortgage on the marital home and awarded his camper. Terry filed for divorce in Texas, but the South Dakota court retained jurisdiction.The Supreme Court of South Dakota reviewed the case. The court held that Terry waived his claim against the trial on the merits by not objecting at the hearing. However, the court found that the circuit court abused its discretion in calculating arrearages without considering the months Terry cared for M.G. and other support provided. The court also found insufficient findings regarding the best interests of M.G. for visitation limitations and the award of attorney fees. The Supreme Court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded for recalculating arrearages and further findings on visitation and attorney fees. View "Goff v. Goff" on Justia Law

R.M., a minor, reported that Troy O’Brien, her mother’s boyfriend, had inappropriately touched her breasts and genital area on multiple occasions. O’Brien was charged with multiple counts of rape, sexual contact with a child under sixteen, and sexual exploitation of a minor. A jury found him guilty on all charges. O’Brien appealed, arguing insufficient evidence of sexual penetration and that the rape charges were duplicitous, claiming the court erred by not instructing the jury to unanimously agree on each act of rape.The Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit in Lincoln County, South Dakota, heard the case. During the trial, R.M. testified about multiple instances of inappropriate touching by O’Brien, describing the touching in detail and indicating that it occurred in various rooms of their homes. Despite her difficulty in recalling specific details, R.M. consistently described the nature of the touching. The jury found O’Brien guilty on all counts, and he was sentenced to fifty years for second-degree rape, with additional concurrent sentences for other charges.The Supreme Court of the State of South Dakota reviewed the case. The court held that there was sufficient evidence for a rational jury to conclude that sexual penetration occurred, based on R.M.’s testimony and drawings. The court also addressed the issue of the unanimity instruction, noting that although the charges were duplicitous, O’Brien failed to show that the lack of a specific unanimity instruction affected his substantial rights or the trial's fairness. The court affirmed the lower court’s decision, upholding O’Brien’s convictions and sentences. View "State v. O’Brien" on Justia Law

Posted in: Criminal Law
A fire damaged a malt beverage store owned by A Maxon Company, LLC (AMC). Acuity Insurance Company sought a declaratory judgment to determine coverage under an insurance policy listing Greg and Tammy Weatherspoon as additional loss payees. The Weatherspoons counterclaimed for breach of contract. The circuit court granted Acuity’s motion for judgment as a matter of law on the Weatherspoons’ counterclaim, determining that the insurance policy terms prevented the Weatherspoons from recovering damages unless AMC successfully asserted a claim. The jury found that AMC principal, Russel Maxon, had intentionally started the fire, excluding coverage under AMC’s policy. The Weatherspoons appealed.The Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, Corson County, South Dakota, initially denied the Weatherspoons’ motion for summary judgment, ruling that the insurance contract was unambiguous and that the Weatherspoons’ claim was dependent on AMC’s claim. The court also denied Acuity’s motion for summary judgment, finding that there were factual disputes suitable for a jury. At trial, the court granted Acuity’s motion for judgment as a matter of law, concluding that the Weatherspoons could not recover under the policy because AMC’s claim was excluded due to Russel’s intentional act.The Supreme Court of the State of South Dakota affirmed the circuit court’s decision. The court held that the insurance policy’s Loss Payable Clause only allowed the Weatherspoons to collect if AMC could collect, and since the jury found that Russel intentionally started the fire, AMC was precluded from recovering. The court also found no abuse of discretion in admitting expert testimony from Special Agent Derek Hill and allowing the impeachment of Tracy Maxon with prior inconsistent statements. The court concluded that the Weatherspoons’ arguments regarding ambiguity and third-party beneficiary status were unavailing. View "Acuity Insurance V. A Maxon Company" on Justia Law

Cody Heer was convicted of multiple drug-related offenses after selling methamphetamine to a confidential informant in a Walmart parking lot in Sioux Falls, with his child present. Heer was indicted on charges of distributing a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance, and causing a child to be present where methamphetamine is distributed. The State also filed a habitual offender information due to Heer’s prior felony convictions.Initially represented by court-appointed counsel, Heer moved to represent himself after his request for substitute counsel was denied. The Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit in Minnehaha County granted his motion for self-representation but appointed his former attorney as standby counsel. Heer did not object to this arrangement or to the presence of standby counsel at trial. Heer conducted his defense, including making motions, cross-examining witnesses, and delivering closing arguments. The jury found Heer guilty on all counts, and he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for the distribution conviction, with additional suspended sentences for the other charges.The Supreme Court of the State of South Dakota reviewed Heer’s appeal, where he argued that his Sixth Amendment right to self-representation was violated by the appointment and presence of standby counsel. Heer also claimed that the prosecutor’s statements during closing arguments constituted improper vouching, amounting to plain error. The court held that the appointment of standby counsel was permissible and did not violate Heer’s rights, as standby counsel did not interfere with his control over the case. The court also found no merit in Heer’s claims of improper vouching, concluding that the prosecutor’s statements were fair characterizations of the evidence and did not affect the trial’s outcome. The court affirmed Heer’s convictions and sentences. View "State V. Heer" on Justia Law

Linda Ager Coyle, the personal representative of Fred Ager's estate, filed a motion for confirmation of a specific devise related to the proceeds from the sale of storage units Fred had owned. Fred's will directed that the units be given in equal shares to his children, Linda and Jeff, with a life estate interest in half of the net rental income to his wife, Arlene Ager. Arlene filed a petition for supervised administration of the estate, which the circuit court granted. Subsequently, the court denied Linda's motion for confirmation of the specific devise.Linda appealed the circuit court's denial of her motion, and Arlene filed a notice of review seeking to challenge the court's earlier decision denying her motion to remove Linda as the personal representative. The Supreme Court of South Dakota issued an order to show cause, directing the parties to address whether the order denying the motion to confirm a specific devise was appealable. Linda argued that the order was appealable based on the precedent set in In re Estate of Geier, which held that each proceeding in an unsupervised administration is a final order. Arlene contended that the order was not final and not subject to review.The Supreme Court of South Dakota dismissed the appeal for lack of jurisdiction. The court held that a decision made prior to a final order terminating a supervised probate action is not governed by the Geier final order rule. The court emphasized that supervised administration is a single in rem proceeding under SDCL 29A-3-501, which contrasts with the multiple, independent proceedings allowed under SDCL 29A-3-107 for unsupervised administration. Since the order for supervised administration was signed before the denial of Linda's motion, the action had become a supervised administration, and the individual-proceeding rule of finality did not apply. Consequently, the court also dismissed Arlene's notice of review. View "Estate Of Ager" on Justia Law

Regina Goeden and Wayne Goeden were involved in a divorce proceeding where Wayne contested the circuit court's decisions on the validity of their premarital agreement, the valuation and division of marital property, the treatment of his veterans' disability benefits, and the grounds for divorce. Regina and Wayne had been married since 2017, and both had adult children from previous marriages. They lived together in a home owned by Wayne, and prior to their marriage, Wayne physically assaulted Regina, leading to a temporary breakup and legal charges against Wayne.The Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit in Minnehaha County, South Dakota, found the premarital agreement void and unenforceable, determining that Regina did not execute it voluntarily and that it was unconscionable. The court also found that Wayne did not provide a fair and reasonable disclosure of his property and financial obligations. The court divided the marital property equally, giving Wayne credit for certain premarital assets but rejecting his claims for additional credits related to the marital home and other expenses. The court also found that Wayne violated a temporary restraining order by using marital funds for personal expenses.The Supreme Court of the State of South Dakota affirmed the circuit court's decisions. The court held that the premarital agreement was unconscionable and that Wayne did not provide adequate disclosure of his assets. The court also upheld the equal division of the marital estate, finding no abuse of discretion in the circuit court's valuation and division of property. Additionally, the court agreed with the circuit court's treatment of Wayne's veterans' disability benefits, determining that they lost their exclusionary status when commingled with marital funds. Finally, the court affirmed the grant of divorce to Regina on the grounds of extreme cruelty, based on credible evidence of Wayne's emotional abuse. View "Goeden v. Goeden" on Justia Law

Posted in: Family Law
Jerry Simon, the decedent, owned a ranching operation known as Simon Ranch, Inc. He had a will that left all his property to his only child, DeLynn Hanson. Jerry married Lynda Simon in 2011, after executing his will. Lynda filed a petition as an omitted spouse seeking an intestate share of Jerry’s estate under SDCL 29A-2-301, arguing she was entitled to a share because she was not provided for in the will.The Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in Meade County, South Dakota, denied Lynda’s petition. The court found that Jerry had provided for Lynda outside of the will with the intent that these transfers were in lieu of any testamentary provision. The court based its decision on evidence that Jerry had transferred assets, including horses and vehicles, into joint ownership with Lynda and had made statements indicating his intent to leave Simon Ranch to his daughter and grandchildren. The court granted Lynda an elective share of 21% of Jerry’s augmented estate under SDCL 29A-2-202.The Supreme Court of the State of South Dakota reviewed the case and affirmed the circuit court’s decision. The court held that the circuit court did not clearly err in finding that Jerry intended to provide for Lynda outside of his will. The Supreme Court noted that Jerry’s statements, the amount of the transfers, and other evidence supported the conclusion that Jerry intended to omit Lynda from his will and provide for her through other means. The court upheld the denial of Lynda’s petition for an intestate share and affirmed the grant of an elective share. View "In the Matter of the Estate Of Simon" on Justia Law

Posted in: Trusts & Estates
SCS Carbon Transport, LLC (SCS) plans to develop a pipeline network to transport carbon dioxide (CO2) through South Dakota. Several landowners (Landowners) along the proposed route refused to allow SCS pre-condemnation survey access, which SCS claims is authorized by SDCL 21-35-31. Landowners sued in both the Third and Fifth Judicial Circuits, seeking declaratory and injunctive relief to prevent the surveys. These proceedings resulted in a consolidated appeal from six lawsuits filed by Landowners and one by SCS.The Third Circuit granted SCS summary judgment, determining that SCS was a common carrier and that SDCL 21-35-31 was constitutional. The Fifth Circuit also granted SCS summary judgment, adopting the Third Circuit’s reasoning. Landowners appealed, arguing that SCS is not a common carrier, CO2 is not a commodity, and that SDCL 21-35-31 violates the takings and due process clauses of the state and federal constitutions.The Supreme Court of South Dakota reversed the circuit courts’ grants of summary judgment on the common carrier issues. The court held that SCS’s ability to conduct pre-condemnation surveys depends on whether it is a common carrier vested with the power of eminent domain. The record did not demonstrate that SCS is holding itself out to the general public as transporting a commodity for hire. The court also found that the circuit courts abused their discretion in denying Landowners’ request for further discovery.The court further held that SDCL 21-35-31 only authorizes limited pre-condemnation standard surveys, which are minimally invasive superficial inspections. The statute, as strictly interpreted, does not violate the federal or state constitutions. The court concluded that any actual damage caused by the surveys must be justly compensated, with the amount determined by a jury. The case was remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. View "Strom Trust v. SCS Carbon Transport, LLC" on Justia Law